
The plan was to begin performances in late spring 2021…

[But 2020 being 2020 and COVID being COVID, plans are for … well, if not suckers, then for the overly optimistic. That said, the plan was to lay low for this year, and hit the ground running in 2021. But opportunities can and do present  themselves. The Elite Theatre Company (Oxnard, California) was running low on digital fare to offer its audiences, so for Halloween, Bill Walthall adapted Macbeth as a digital offering, Minds Full of Scorpions.”

For information on the current Sonnet Project 2021, click here.]

So… back to the plan: in late spring of 2021, we’ll begin with one play in the repertoire through midsummer: Cymbeline (in a version we’re calling “Seven-Player Cymbeline“…and this will be one of those 90-minute shows). Later this year, we’ll add either Pericles or The Taming of the Shrew to the repertory. PLUS, I’ve got a performance piece I’ve been tossing around in my head for a few years now–Chopping Down the Tree, One Cut at a Time (or “Family Ties in Shakespeare’s History Tetralogies [abridged]”)

Hopefully, we’ll add another play or two for the summer of ’22.

Ambitious? Yeah. But if you’re going to dream, why not dream really big?

And if you’re going to crash, you might as well go down in flames, baby.